
UltraStar.de - Karaoke

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Objective of this Website?

UltraStar.de offers information on UltraStar, the open-source karaoke program for free which is similar to SingStar.

What is UltraStar?

UltraStar is an open-source karaoke program for free.It is similar to PlayStation2's SingStar but does not copy it. You cannot exchange songs between both games. UltraStar is still an alpha version which means that it is still under development and has some errors. Nevertheless, it is a well-working program and looks nice.

What is SingStar?

SingStar is a Sony product. It is a karaoke program for the popular game console PlayStation2. By now, several editions with different songs (for almost all tastes) have been released. The principle is always the same. You sing a song and get points when you sing in tune. The better you perform, the more points you get. A bar displays the correct tune.

Why SingStar?

The songs are done in a perfect way and it provides the original videos. This is not always the case with UltraStar because the songs are made by non-professionals. People who do not need own songs, like it simple and have enough money to buy console and game should purchase SingStar.

Besides, SingStar is able to offer a fully developed 2-player mode. Right now, with UltraStar two people can only sing the same voice because the system with the TXT files does not allow to separate voices and lyrics individually.

Why UltraStar?

UltraStar is for free. The program may be shared but not sold. Additionally, you can add your own songs. This may be difficult in the beginning but we offer some guides to get you started.

Only well-known/commercial songs are available for SingStar. You can make your favorite songs for UltraStar yourself, provided that you own the MP3, want to try it out and have the time for it.

How can I Support UltraStar?

You can support it particularly by telling your friends. If you want to make a donation: UltraStar was written by Corvus5 and you can support him financially by clicking here.

How can I Add New Songs to UltraStar?

You have to create a new folder in the folder "songs" with the name of the new song. There are at least two files that need to be in your new folder: an mp3 file and a TXT file. The TXT file has a special format which not only contains the lyrics of the song but also its tune. To learn more about the TXT file format, click here.

Is There a Fullscreen Mode?

Yes, there is. You can activate it under Options->Graphics->Fullscreen On.

Is There a 2-Player Mode?

Yes, there is! Version 0.4.0 or higher offers 2-player modes at last.

Is There a Program that Converts MP3 Files into MIDI Files?

Yes and no. There are programs that suggest it is possible; but as converting is very difficult even in theory, it works even less in practice.

Is There a Possibility to Group Songs Thematically (in different folders)?

Unfortunately, the original UltraStar only offers an unfinished solution for grouping your songs. Only the mods, e.g. d0c's mod or the Spanish mod, offer you the possibility to group your songs into different folders. Here you create folders, e.g. 80s, in the songs folder and put the relevant songs into it. The original UltraStar version offer the possiblity to add the tag #EDITION or #GENRE in the header and then sort the songs accordingly. However, this procedure is very complicated and, as we have heard, does not work properly.

Help Me, There are so Many Versions. How Do I Know Which Version Includes Which Features?

Together with volunteers we have drawn up a table for you, which contains the different features, bugs and experiences of the newest/most used versions. You can find it here.

Questions and Comments

Feel free to contact us.