
UltraStar.de - Karaoke

Comparison of Different UltraStar Versions

This site is currently being updated. We currently recommend to use the UltraStar Deluxe mod which includes line bonus, golden notes, a party mode and much more. Although the table below is old and needs some updating, we have decided to keep it so that you have an overview over the features of the different versions.

With the help of some volunteers from our partner forum we developed an overview over the different features of the newest UltraStar versions. It includes stability, games, experiences, etc. Now you are able to choose the version which is best for you.

The winner of this test is version 0.5.0 with a grade of B because it already has a variety of features and is rather stable. Unfortunately, it does neither support a file structure nor the use of a mouse.

We newly included version 0.5 but you have to take into consideration that it was tested by one person only. All other versions were tested by several people and their results were summed up. Therefore the results for version 0.5 are not that reliable like the others. Please keep in mind that with different computers and with more testers the results might have varied for version 0.5 – so the following still applies:

Testers wanted! To improve the results for version 0.5.0 we need more data. People interested in testing the new version can download a German questionnaire here, fill it our (you can write in English) and send it back to us. We are sorry that there is no English questionnaire yet.

Thanks to our testers and have fun while singing!


UltraStar 0.5

UltraStar 0.4.2

Spanish Mod ES 0.6.1

Gecco Mod

Does it run smoothly?






classical, clearly arranged, easy to understand

classical, clearly arranged

modified GUI,

easy to understand

modified GUI, clearly arranged

Operated by

mouse or keyboard



mouse or keyboard

Number of players possible

6 (tested with 6)

6 (tested with 3)

4 (tested with 2)


Additional mics connected with

USB soundcard, SingStar adapter

USB soundcard+ Singstar adapter

SingStar adapter

USB soundcard + Singstar adapter

How are the songs organized?

all in 1 folder, sorting by folder, title, artist, edition, genre possible in principle (but then all TXT files need to be edited)

all in 1 folder, sorting by edition or genre possible in principle (but then all TXT files need to be edited)

in several folders

in several folders

Selection of letter with keyboard






German, English, French, Croatian, Polish, Spanish, Swedish


Spanish, German, English, Galicien, Catalan, Swedish

German, English, Swedish

Top5 highscore



Top 3


Golden notes








duel, special notes, radical star


Other features

random feature (key R), name assignment

line bonus (not tested)




only because of mistakes in the TXT file

in the editor with some kar and midi files, not in the game


ca. every 30 mins. when going back from a folder

Do many songs cause bugs?

isolated: problems with the graphics if the note was too short, sorting function did not work properly sometimes, partly bad transition at video gap




"Program sings by itself " bug

with some testers yes, with others no


with some testes yes, with others no


Other bugs

isolated: video faster than MP3, text slower than song

isolated: text effect ball did not work properly sometimes, name assignment only when editing the config.ini








Suitability for parties

too many players are not advisable (max. 3 with one screen)


because of duel mode, clear arrangement, playlist mode



best version existing to date with only few errors being reported and running very stable; golden notes work but need to be added by hand, some features are still missing

stability and voice recognition of 0.4.2 + games of the Spanish mod would be ideal

extensive but has its weaknesses

all in all good for newbies because of clearly arranged folder structure but crashes too often and does not have much features






Do you recommend it?






average grade would have been a B- but since we got so many positive comments on it, we decided to make it a B




The Spanish mod was not included in the overview because it could not be tested properly due to the "singing by itself" bug. The mods can be found in our partner forum.

On a few computers versions 0.4.0, 0.4.1 and 0.4.2 crashed very often. The problem has not been found yet and we were not able to reproduce it. This is why we did not include it in our list but want to let you know about it here. Please note that NO version worked on the computers which is why we think that it is a problem with the computer or a setting and not a problem with the program itself.

Questions and Comments

Feel free to contact us.