
UltraStar.de - Karaoke

FAQ - Errors

1. UltraStar Crashes After Selecting a Song

It is obvious that the "Header", the beginning of the TXT file to the song, is not correct.
There are several reasons why it might crash:
1. Mp3 file has a different name than in the header
-> #correct MP3 line (even the tiniest spelling mistakes like one blank too much/too little make the difference!)
2. Background picture could not be found
-> #delete or change BACKGROUND line
3. Video file could not be found
-> #delete or change VIDEO line

2. UltraStar Crashes While Singing

At least you have a clue where the problem might be. We recommend you look into the TXT file and go to the part of the song where UltraStar crashed. Very probably it is here that you will find an error. If you don't, it might be possible that there is an error in either the MP3 or the video file. But this is very unlikely! To find out whether the files are undamaged, you should play them separately with another program, e.g. WinAmp. In case of damage, they should cause errors in this program as well.

3. Program "Sings" Without Me Doing Anything

This is a frequent problem in the 0.3 versions and in the Spanish mod. Possible sources of this error:
a. Click assist is active and should be deactivated (see sound options)

b. Wrong recording device: Sometimes the wrong recording device (e.g. head set) is selected either in UltraStar or in the Windows sound options and you try to use a different one (e.g. microphone.) You can find out whether this is really the case when you activate the oscilloscope. If the line stays flat, no blue bar should be seen. If the line moves although nobody is singing or the mic is plugged out, you have to select a different recording device.

c. The built-in microphone (in the notebook) is active and records everything.

d. The speakers are too close/too loud. This is not very probable but it might be worth trying to turn down the volume or stand back a little.

Questions and Comments

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